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Pain Management - James Format
Applies to: Patient presents with a painful condition that would benefit from treatment with an analgesic. Thisincludes DNR/MOLST patients and patients being pre-medicated for a painful procedure. Exclusion Criteria: Medication specific hypersensitivity/aller...
Diabetic Emergency
Applies to: Blood glucose less than 70 mg/dL or greater than 300 mg/dL and Patient-reported low or high blood glucose Diabetic patients with other medical symptoms (e.g., vomiting) Altered mental status Alcohol intoxication, suspected Seizure Stroke sy...
This policy applies to: Patients whose chief complaint is severe or prolonged bleeding from the nose. Exclusion Criteria: Patients with respiratory compromise may first require airway control and mechanical ventilation. Patients with hemodynamic compromise m...
Abuse / Neglect
This policy applies to: Patients who are suspected of being victims of abuse or neglect. Exclusion Criteria: None Recognize Injuries or burns in a pattern suggestive of intentional infliction. Injuries in various stages of healing or injuries scattere...